Myth is, After All, The Neverending Story
Bed Bug Facts And Myths
If you follow up the news globally, you come along the way of all the attention that bed bug has received in the last few years, and if you think that you are well known to these tiny creatures, you might be wrong, because in this the case, there are so many more things regarding the bed bug which we think that you should be aware of the mentioned bug: These little monster feed solely on humans while they sleep, you might feel itchy, red bumps may appear, which are hard to get rid of But, these insects have hidden a lot of facts and myths of bed bug that you may be surprised to get acknowledged.

Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small, brown, oval-shaped creatures that like to nestle up in linen clothing and suck blood. They create big problems for so many local and commercial businesses.

They cannot fly but can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, and they can be incredibly annoying.

Not an interesting one… right?

Well, that can scratch the surface. There is a lot more to look into than the basics. Bed bugs are strange insects, they can be weird even for the bugs community. So, by educating yourself more regarding your least favorite pest, the better you can protect yourself from them and hire bed bug removal services! And yes, we did it for you. Let's get straight into the facts that are unknown to you about bed bugs.

Facts You Didn't Know About Bed Bugs
Fact 1: Bed bugs can gobble down seven times their body weight in blood
Yes, you read that right, these tiny living critters can ingest seven times more blood than their body weight and that is nearly equivalent to an average adult male with 120 gallons of water in his stomach at once.

Fact 2: Bed bugs can live anywhere.
Most people, when they think of bed bugs, they think of hotels. But the reality is, bed bugs can survive anywhere even in a single-family home, hospitals, apartments, college rooms, office buildings, schools, buses, trains, movie theaters, retail stores, and about anywhere humans exist. In fact, according to the studies, 89 % of pest control professionals, treating bed bug infestations in single-family homes, and 88% are treating bed bug infestations in apartments/rooms. While about 67% treats to common areas, like in hotels/motels, more than 35% in college buildings, and about 9 to 4 percent on various modes of transportation, laundries, and movie theatres.

Fact 3: Bed bug eggs are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Bed bug eggs range only 1 millimeter in length. This is the almost size of a pinhead. A female bed bug can lay eggs every single day and can reproduce up to 500 eggs in its single life, which is why a single pregnant bug can cause destruction very rapidly, beyond your imagination.

Fact 4: Bed bugs have very keen insights.
‍Bed bugs have not gotten that much ability to solve a creative problem, but they do have very strong and keen insights. These instincts allow them to resist the glamour of food during the day when there are chances to get caught by their predators. Bed bugs only come out, when the smell of inhaled carbon dioxide gets too strong to resist. That mostly happens in the night when you’re sleeping.

Fact 5: Bed bugs can live without food.
These pests are had and can live for several months without any meal. This means they can dawdle in bags, furniture, and suitcases for a long time until they are near to become a human host again. Additionally, they can also survive the temperature of freezing to 122 degrees, which is quite a big range. Because of this reason, bed bug infestations cannot be treated with DIY measures. Professional pest control can prove to be the most effective way to treat such infestation.

Fact 6: Bed bugs have developed an uncommon tendency to resist pesticides
If we look down into the history of pest controllers, we can see the number of achievements, the pest professionals removed bed bugs from homes or businesses by using bed bug exterminators in Brampton. For the past few years, bed bugs have developed an enormous natural resistance to these traditional methods. Now, the main problem for pest controllers is, they need to use other methods to remove them.

Fact 7: Bed bugs might have a degree in anesthesiology.
People might wonder why not a human host wakes up when he was bitten by a bed bug? The simple answer is that the bed bug saliva comprises a component that can act as an anesthetic and it promotes increased blood flow at the bite site, making the biting process quick and nearly painless.
After feeding, bed bugs move to hide in their secret places for 5-10 days. During this period, they do not feed but instead digest their meal and lay eggs.

Ending the discussion!
As you can see, now you know quite a bit about bed bugs. The conclusion to all this bed bug knowledge is to make you good enough at stopping them. If you have a bed bug infestation problem, you don’t need to treat this problem alone. Instead, contact a licensed pest controller who is well trained in all kinds of bed bugs facts and myths. So that, they will be able to inspect your home thoroughly and can recommend an effective course of treatment.

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